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The seventh edition of this popular student supplement retains the cradle-to-grave ordering of prior editions and is updated to reflect recent changes in the law. It features an expanded discussion of S corporations and consolidated groups, use of disregarded entities, liberalization of shareholder debt rules, and basis recovery in redemptions and reorganizations. Full of examples with explanations of both how and why the system works as it does, this book can be used alongside any standard casebook. It may also be used as a primary text for those who emphasize the problem method and have developed their own problem set.
Abrams, Doernberg and Leatherman’s Federal Corporate Taxation, 7th (Concepts and Insights Series) 7th Edition by Abrams, Howard; Doernberg, Richard; Leatherman, Don and Publisher Foundation Press. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781628102420, 162810242X. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781609300524, 1609300521.