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Expectations – of life, work, education, and so forth – are rooted in cultural values. As a result, access to an engagement with online learning is a culture-bound experience. Cases on Cultural Implications and Considerations in Online Learning illustrates ways in which to reach and engage learners across cultures by using online learning that accommodates cultural differences and preferences. This casebook helps online educators understand what cultural expectations their students have before they create online programs and tailor their instructional designs for multicultural and international learners.
This is a digital product.
Cases on Cultural Implications and Considerations in Online Learning is written by Andrea Edmundson and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Cases on Cultural Implications and Considerations in Online Learning are 9781466618862, 1466618868 and the print ISBNs are 9781466618855, 146661885X..