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Epistemic Principles
A Primer for the Theory of Knowledge
Epistemic Principles: A Primer of the Theory of Knowledge presents a compact account of the basic principles of the theory of knowledge. In doing this, Nicholas Rescher aims to fill the current gap in contemporary philosophical theory of knowledge with a comprehensive analysis of epistemological fundamentals. The book is not a mere inventory of such rules and principles, but rather interweaves them into a continuous exposition of basic issues. Written at a user-friendly and accessible level, Epistemic Principles is an essential addition for both advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in epistemology.
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Additional ISBNs
9781433135989, 9781433137341
Epistemic Principles: A Primer for the Theory of Knowledge 1st Edition is written by Nicholas Rescher and published by Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Epistemic Principles are 9781433137334, 143313733X and the print ISBNs are 9781433135477, 1433135477. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781433135989, 9781433137341.