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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A focused, teach-and-test approach to learning pharmacology Focus on Pharmacology: Essentials for Health Professionals helps students learn pharmacology by presenting small amounts of information and then offering opportunities for readers to apply what they’ve learned through a variety of exercises. Designed specifically for allied health students, early chapters lay the groundwork for learning pharmacology by introducing its history, legal and ethical principles, drug administration techniques, essential math, calculations, and medication errors. Subsequent chapters offer a structured presentation of the drugs intended to treat specific body systems and associated disorders. Each drug chapter starts with a concise review of anatomy and physiology, providing a foundation for understanding drug actions and uses. Pharmacologic principles are then presented in a consistent and easy-to-follow format, using clearly identifiable question-headings that help students focus on need-to-know drug information. Pediatric and geriatric pharmacotherapies are covered in detail, as are substance abuse, antibiotics, and other drug categories. Updated with the latest drug information and featuring seven new chapters, the Third Edition’s focused, teach-and-test approach blends concise content with an engaging learning process to help students better retain essential information. For even more practice and review opportunities pair Focus on Pharmacology with the completely revised and expanded Student Workbook. The Workbook (ISBN-10: 0134525299 / ISBN-13: 9780134525297) contains many different types of review questions, including multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and critical-thinking.
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