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This book demonstrates how agriculture can play a determining role in integrated, climate-optimised urban development. Agriculture within urban growth centres today is more than an economic or social left-over or a niche practice. It is instead a complex system that offers multiple potentials for interaction with the urban system. Urban open space and agriculture can be linked to a productive green infrastructure – this forms new urban-rural linkages in the urbanizing region and helps shape the city. But in order to do this, agriculture has to be seen as an integral part of the urban fabric and it has to be put on the local agenda. Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions takes the example of Casablanca, one of the fastest growing cities in North Africa, to investigate this approach. The creation of synergies between the urban and rural in an emerging megacity is demonstrated through pilot projects, design solutions, and multifunctional modules. These synergies assure greater resource efficiency; particularly regarding the use and reuse of water, and they strengthen regional food security and the social integration of multiple spheres. A transdisciplinary research approach brings together different scientific disciplines and local actors into a process of integrated knowledge production. The book will have a long lasting legacy and is essential reading for researchers, planners, practitioners and policy makers who are working on urban development and urban agricultural strategies.
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Additional ISBNs
9781315849522, 9780367670009, 9781317910138, 9781317910114
Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions: Connecting Urban-Rural Spheres in Casablanca 1st Edition is written by Author and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions are 9781317910121, 1317910125 and the print ISBNs are 9780415825016, 0415825016. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781315849522, 9780367670009, 9781317910138, 9781317910114.