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Is it ever morally wrong to enjoy fantasizing about immoral things? Many video games allow players to commit numerous violent and immoral acts. But, should players worry about the morality of their virtual actions? A common argument is that games offer merely the virtual representation of violence. No one is actually harmed by committing a violent act in a game. So, it cannot be morally wrong to perform such acts. While this is an intuitive argument, it does not resolve the issue. Focusing on why individual players are motivated to entertain immoral and violent fantasies, Video Games, Violence, and the Ethics of Fantasy advances debates about the ethical criticism of art, not only by shining light on the interesting and under-examined case of virtual fantasies, but also by its novel application of a virtue ethical account. Video games are works of fiction that enable players to entertain a fantasy. So, a full understanding of the ethical criticism of video games must focus attention on why individual players are motivated to entertain immoral and violent fantasies. Video Games, Violence, and the Ethics of Fantasy engages with debates and critical discussions of games in both the popular media and recent work in philosophy, psychology, media studies, and game studies.
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Additional ISBNs
1350121878, 1350202703, 9781350121874, 9781350202702
Video Games, Violence, and the Ethics of Fantasy: Killing Time 1st Edition is written by Christopher Bartel and published by Bloomsbury Academic. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Video Games, Violence, and the Ethics of Fantasy are 9781350121898, 1350121894 and the print ISBNs are 9781350202702, 1350202703. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1350121878, 1350202703, 9781350121874, 9781350202702.