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With its practical, hands-on approach to legal ethics, the third edition of LEGAL ETHICS is designed to ensure that readers have a solid grasp of the ethical rules that apply in the legal setting. Comprehensive yet easy to understand, this engaging book provides a thorough and substantive analysis of the major principles that affect how the practice of law is regulated. Filled with real-life examples of lawyer and non-lawyer instances of misconduct, current and classic case law, and discussions of famous (and infamous) people, this straightforward book brings the material to life and demonstrates how courts interpret and apply ethical rules to lawyers and their non-lawyer employees.
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Legal Ethics 3rd Edition by Kent Kauffman and Publisher Cengage Learning. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781285700496, 128570049X. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780840024657, 0840024657.